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Elena-Emilia, Oprescu, The National Institute for Research &amp; Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry <br />
Enachescu, Marius, Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 313, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
Ene, Cristian D., <em>“Ilie Murgulescu” </em>Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory, 202 Spl. Independentei, 060021-Bucharest, Romania.
Ene, Cristian D., “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory, 202 Spl. Independentei, 060021-Bucharest, Romania.
Ene, Cristian D., <em>Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory, “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Splaiul Independentei 202, Bucharest 060021, Romania.</em>
ENĂŞCUŢĂ, CRISTINA EMANUELA, The National Institute for Research &amp; Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry


Șuteu, Răzvan, <span>Babes-Bolyai University, Chemistry Department</span><br />


Țincu, Robert Andrei, Center for Organic Chemistry “C. D. Nenițescu”, <p><em>202B Splaiul Independenței, Bucharest, Romania</em></p>

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