Center for Research and Studies in Management and Marketing
Research field- Economy, Management, Marketing;
- Macroeconomic policies and strategies;
- Economy and territorial development;
- Business administration of small and
- medium-sized enterprises;
- Workforce market;
- Strategical management;
- Change management;
- The enterprise economy;
- Intercultural management;
- Market research.
Laboratory Center for research and studies in management and marketing.
- Work stations;
- Multifunctionals;
- Video projectors;
- Intelligent blackboards;
- Software Solutions suitable for research fields.
- „Développement durable, responsabilité sociale, culture et performance d’entreprise”;
- „Universitaires Roumains, Managers Européens”;
- „Structuration sectorielle de l’emploi et l’impact de la mondialisation”;
- „Tendencias del management internacional en la economía del conocimiento – el papel del capital intelectual en la gobernabilidad corporativa”;
- Passport to trade P2T 2;
- Evaluation System of the influence of stress on productivity in the firms from Romanian economic environment;
- Determinants of labor market insertion of higher education graduates in Romania;
- Forecasts of Occupations in Romania in the new economy.
- National Institute for Occupational Safety Research and Development;
- National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection;
- INCE, Center for Industrial Economics and Services; University of Nantes;
- University of Castilla-La Mancha;
- Universite Paris XII Val-de-Marne;
- Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers;
- University of Salford.
- Articles published in index magazines ISI: 13;
- Articles published in ISI Proceedings: 88;
- Articles published in Romanian and international magazines, indexed BDI, B: 158;
- International research contracts: 3;
- National research contracts: 3;
- Books which appeared in international prestige publishing companies: 10;
- Books which appeared in national publishing companies: 45;
- Papers published in the international/national conference proceedings: 94.
- Initiating and developing studies of fundamental research in the domain of economic theory;
- Knowing the economic phenomena, scientific testing of some theories, patterns, intelligent performance management systems;
- Elaborating case studies, analyses , field research papers regarding the economic, technical, administrative and functional issues in enterprise management;
- Market orientation of the Research and Applied Management and Marketing Studies Center;
- Editing and distributing informative bulletins and documentary syntheses, study notebooks, and other publications.